0x0000051 win7

So a few weeks ago i suddenly get a blue screen of death(BSOD). i run disk check, try repairing my disk with the OS disk, and even formatting the disk. nothing worked. i then ...

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As with all Windows based computers, the system registry becomes fragmented over time, in the same way that your hard disk becomes fragmented. This means that Windows needs to jump to different loca...

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  • 您好 請使用 msconfig 關閉開機非微軟服務與常駐程式,保留防毒,測試看看是否正常 http://www.dotblogs.com.tw/chou/archive/2010/...
    windows7 經常藍屏0x0000050 如何解決 - Microsoft Community
  • All of a sudden, I'm getting this BSOD every time about 5-10 seconds after loading a p...
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  • So a few weeks ago i suddenly get a blue screen of death(BSOD). i run disk check, try repa...
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  • 請注意: 按一下 [ ] 影像,以針對下面每一個步驟,擴展疑難排解說明。您也可以按一下 [ ] 影像,以在您進行每一個步驟時隱藏說明。
    如何修復 REGISTRY_ERROR 藍色畫面錯誤(0x00000051 )
  • 今天,Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 開始推出,我們已經對 Windows 論壇主題進行了一些更新,以反映新功能和應用程式。 請於 該執行緒 中查找...
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  • 錯誤 0x00000051 問題包括電腦當機、凍結和可能的病毒感染。了解如何快速輕鬆地修復這些 GOM Player ... Windows 7 Windows Vista Win...
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  • Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and ad...
    BSOD after login, error 0x00000051 REGISTRY_ERROR - Windows ...
  • 蓝屏 0x0000051 是什么意思啊!只看楼主 收藏 回复 tangtongkun 1L喂熊 1 蓝屏 0x0000051 网上找不到啊! 怎么搞的! 有高手知道的么! sean...
    蓝屏 0x0000051是什么意思啊!_蓝屏吧_百度贴吧
  • Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and ad...
    BSOD on login to Windows 7 Pro SP1 (Registry Error) 0x000000 ...
  • 今天碰到个客户电脑蓝屏,显示的错误代码是0x00000051,看了下上面的英文提示,说的大概是注册文件损坏,然后是一些没有多大帮助的提示. 一般,碰到这样的问题首先第一步就是重启,...
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